Grilled Salmon

Prep Time 5 mins Cook Time 4 mins Rest Time 1 min Total Time 10 mins


Cooking Mode Disabled

Honey - Citrus Dressing

Garnish (optional)


  1. Set the barbecue to high heat. Drizzle olive oil and evenly sprinkle Grill Society Fishmaster BBQ Rub on both sides of the salmon.

  2. As the barbecue is heating up, put the ingredients for the honey citrus dressing in a small saucepan on very low heat. Stir them for a couple of minutes, making sure not to overcook the garlic.
  3. Put the salmon on the barbecue, skin side down, and cover it with the lid. After five minutes, flip the salmon and continue to cook for an additional three minutes.
  4. Transfer the cooked salmon onto a plate, then pour the honey citrus dressing over it and garnish with the specified ingredients. Enjoy your meal! 👩🏽‍🍳

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